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Date, time, location etc.

Добавлено: 31 окт 2014, 09:49

Scheduled times, dates & location
Location: Sweden , Härnösand area

Dates: Tuesday the 23th of June - Saturday 27th of June 2015

Safezone will be open during 09:00 - 24:00 24th - 28th of June.

Check in opens: Tuesday 23th of June 09:00 CET
Team Gatherings: All players shall gather in their homebase before 19:00 CET the 24th of June 2015.
Game start: 21:00 CET Wednesday 24th
Game ends: 15:00 CET Saturday 27th.
Check-out opens: 16:00 CET Saturday 27th (Returning of, Radios, AT4´s, BAVS hit receivers, 40mm, grenades, officer patches etc.
Beer party starts: 18:00 CET Saturday 27th
Beer party ends: 24:00 CET Saturday 27th
Check-out opens: 09:00 CET Sunday 28th of June (Returning of Radios, AT4´s, BAVS hit receivers, 40mm grenades, officer patches etc.)